2014 School Year Begins

February 10th marked the first day of the 2014 school year at Oasis de Esperanza and it was a landmark day for all of us. The Ministry of Education gave final approval of a comprehensive curriculum which means that Oasis de Esperanza is approved from Pre-K through High School, PRAISE GOD!!! It was an arduous process and there were many in positions of authority who actively opposed the approval but your faithful prayers and God’s faithfulness defeated all the opposition. We are no longer Escuela Cristiana Oasis de Esperanza, now we are officially Colegio Cristiana Oasis de Esperanza. The title identifies us as a fully accredited Pre-K through High School. This means that in December we will have our first ever High School graduating class! God is good.

When school began in February, there were 511 students enrolled the most ever at Oasis. What began ten years ago with ~80 frightened children has now, through God’s blessing, expanded to a daily attendance of ~450 students. Because the area where the school is located has a sizable transient population, some who register often move. The school is divided into two sessions: Pre-K through 5th grade attends in the morning and 6th through 11th grades (11th grade is considered the final year of school because there are two years of Pre-K classes) attend in the afternoon.

We’re excited to finally be fully accredited and to see what God has planned for the 2014 school year. Your prayers and support played a critical role in the approval process.

ST School Year 2014 Pic Collage


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