The vision of Savior’s Tear was birthed in 2000 and formally established in 2005.
Currently the ministry sponsors and administrates two schools, named Oasis de Esperanza (Oasis of Hope) in Nicaragua; one in Managua and one in Salinas Grande.
Both schools provide a Christian-based education, school supplies, uniforms, and two nutritious meals each day. The teachers validate each student’s worth on a daily, almost hourly, basis. The Managua school consists of children whose families live in and near the municipal dump ground, commonly known as “La Chureca.” In addition to education and validation in a Christ-centered environment, Savior’s Tear also provides health care, adult literacy, and parental involvement programs.
The Salinas Grande school began in 2007 and provides the same opportunities in a very poor rural area about 60 miles northwest of Managua. In 2005 school began with approximately 80 students in pre-K through 2nd grade. The Managua school enrollment is approximately 285 children in pre-K through 5th grade. The Salinas Grande school opened with with approximately 40 children in pre-K through 2nd grade and now has 70 children in pre-K through 3rd grade. The Managua school is planning to expand to include 6th grade and Salinas Grande plans to expand to include 4th grade in 2009. Students are given a basic education curriculum but time is set aside as “Bible study” where children are provided the opportunity to learn about God’s love and care for them.
In addition, Savior’s Tear is actively involved with an orphanage near Tipitapa. The Tipitapa orphanage is a project administrated by Metanoia Missions and provides food clothing, shelter, and education to 27 children. Five of those children were originally students or siblings of students who attended Oasis de Esperanza in Managua but were removed and relocated from their homes for protection and safety. Savior’s Tear helps in providing clothing, shoes, medicines, computers, personal hygiene items, toys, games, etc. to the orphans.
Because of the connection to the Managua school and simply because they are so precious the orphans hold a very special place in Wayne’s and Elaine’s hearts.
Savior’s Tear is also a frequent visitor and worker at La Mascota, a children’s cancer hospital in Managua. The ministry helps in providing bedding, clothing, toys, games, and candy to children undergoing chemotherapy and post-treatment.
The ministry periodically provides food, clothing, and bedding to the elderly in Jinotega, a city located in the northern part of Nicaragua.
Simply put, Savior’s Tear strives to personify the love and compassion of Jesus Christ to the poor, needy, and neglected. Our desire and prayer is that by showing the love of Jesus each day they will be encouraged and know that they do indeed matter to Him, that they are precious in His sight, and that while society may appear indifferent to them there is a God in heaven who loves them very much; enough to give His Son so that they might have a relationship with Him.
Wayne and Elaine MaGouirk have been active in missions, both local and international, since 1990. Prior to entering full-time ministry Wayne spent 26 years in the engineering profession.
Wayne served as Outreach and Missions Pastor at Trinity Fellowship Church in Amarillo, Texas for 7 years and led numerous short-term mission teams to Mexico, Jamaica, Kenya, Tanzania, and Nicaragua. Recognizing God’s call on their lives Wayne resigned his position and he and Elaine were sent out to serve as full-time missionaries in Nicaragua.