Special Prayer Request

We have sad news to report & ask for your prayers. On April 20th, one of our 8th grade students, 17 year-old Wilber Molina, was shot & killed. I don’t have all the particulars of the incident but it seems Wilber and another young man were in a cemetery, doing what I don’t know, but apparently they startled a security guard who fired his shotgun, fatally striking Wilber in the back. Needless to say, this has devastated our students & teachers at the school. Everyone is accustomed to violence, it’s part of our neighborhood, but a fatality has never directly affected one of our students.

Wilber was a member of the school soccer team and was scheduled to play in a league game the next day. He had been a student at Oasis de Esperanza for some time, was not a discipline problem, liked by classmates and teachers, and from what little I know he simply made a bad decision that cost his life. We have brought counselors to the school to help classmates who are struggling with his death.

I would appreciate your prayers for Wilber, his family and the classmates & teachers at Oasis de Esperanza. I praise God that through the curriculum and daily exposure at Oasis de Esperanza, Wilber knew about Jesus and to our knowledge had a personal relationship with Him. Thank you in advance for your prayers on his behalf.

-Wayne MaGouirk

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